HRxpress™ Hotline: Retainer Services
HR advice, guidance and solutions at your fingertips – just call or email!
HRxpress™ is a retained service providing an on-going HR resource advisor to HR staff, leaders and/or managers who need:
- guidance in dealing with difficult employee situations
- assistance understanding employment compliance
- options for implementing a change
- solid answers to other questions or issues that arise when you have employees.
Who is an ideal HRxpress™ user?
- Employers who don’t have an internal HR professional experienced in handling sensitive issues and who want an on-going resource for their managers
- Employers with an HR person who could periodically use a “second opinion” to bounce off ideas and issues as they occur
- Associations who would like to offer their members an HR hotline resource as a benefit of membership
- Businesses who serve other businesses (e.g. accounting firms, insurance brokers, small business bankers, etc.) who want to expand their service base by providing their clients with an value-added HR hotline resource