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Unemployment Law Updates 2009

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day MN Unemployment Statute Changes September 2009 So Now What? Since the Rules of the Unemployment Game have changed dramatically, I encourage anyone planning a termination and/or responding...

Offer Letters

Be Careful What You Offer October 2009 November 11th Awesome Women Event If you’re interested in seeing and hearing a different side of the many programs I offer, please sign up for this exciting event. I’ll be presenting one of my musical keynotes where I...

Employee Status Options

Farewell to 2009 and Happy New Year to All November 2009 Lots of Updates Another Musical Keynote Those of you who are human resource professionals seeking an opportunity to network with other HR folks, contribute to a charitable organization and hear me present...

December 2009

Farewell to 2009 and Happy New Year to All December 2009 HRx Update In case you have been utilizing my services through Gallagher Benefits Services, formerly Stanton Group and Schwarz Williams Companies, my partnership with them as an independent contractor for their...

Successful Job Searching

Open and Shut Case January 2010 Reader Brainstorm I would love your ideas!As many of you know, I offer a wide variety of management and HR programs at conferences and events as well as in-house programs for organizations. What I’m seeking is your suggestions for...

Job Satisfaction

Employee – Employer Re-Engagement February 2010 What the Numbers Tell Us Here are some job satisfaction statistics on our employees, from The Conference Board: Only 46% of employees are satisfied with their jobs. 35.7% are under age 25 47.2% are age 35-44 46.4%...