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Employee Attraction and Retention

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day A New Twist on Employee Magnetism: Keeping Your Job or Finding the Right Job February 2009 More Tips for Those Searching for Work Applicants have to recognize that merely sending a resume...

Social Media & the Internet at Work

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day An HR Professionals Guide …. April 2009 It Is Always Time to Train On-the-job training is how most of us learn how to manage and supervise our employees. To complement this learning...

Employee Engagement

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day SOCIAL MEDIA or ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA May 2009 Ideas For A Social Media Policy Here’s a partial list of ideas for your Social Media policy. Encourage your employees to: Use the Internet as a...

Basic HR Practice Checklist

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day HR and the Economy June 2009 HR SpecialTopics: A New Era of Employee Engagement I’ll be co-presenting this seminar with Keith Friede of Gallagher Benefit Services on August 18, 2009 from...

July 2009

HRxaminer – Human Resources Tips Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day   Mid Summer Madness July 2009 HR Updates New Minimum Wage On Friday 7/24, the minimum wage increased to $7.25. This is the third planned...

Screening Candidates

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day From Start to Finish – Hiring and Firing August 2009 A Better Economy Of course, I’ve been receiving calls about handling layoffs, reorganizations, pay changes, etc. However, I...