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2016- Issue 8

FLSA Changes Effective December 1– Are You Ready? Arlene VernonMost employers will be affected by the December 1st change in the Fair Labor Standards Act – when all employees earning less than $47,476 per year ($913 per week) must be designated as non-exempt....

2016-Issue 11 october

Supervising Smart Survey Over the years I’ve been asked whether I offer any public seminars on management and supervisory training. So I thought I’d request your help to explore my offering a 2017 public seminar series. My first step is finding out how many of you are...

2016-Issue 11

HR Mastery It’s time to sign up for the 2017 HR Mastery Group! That’s where I facilitate a small group of HR professionals who meet monthly for one year to discuss key HR topics, interact with guest speakers and grow our HR skills and knowledge. For one annual fee you...

issue 1

Managers on the Move: Buddy to Boss I was asked for advice on how newly promoted managers should approach the touchy issue of now having to supervise their former peers. While this is not a new issue, it is an important issue to anyone challenged with this move. While...