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Harassment Update 2013

HR Mastery – An On-Going Learning Process Arlene VernonEvery fall I let my readers know that I’m beginning enrollment for the 2014 HR Mastery Groups that I facilitate. 2014 will be the 8th year that I’m offering this opportunity for you to meet monthly with a small...

Year-End Vacations

It’s December – Are Your Employees Disappearing? Arlene VernonIt’s the time of the year when many employees realize that they have leftover vacation or PTO days that they need to use or lose before 12/31. Are you prepared for those employees who want to...

Feedback and Performance

Taking Action in 2014 Arlene VernonI’ve been working with several clients to enhance their review forms and processes for giving feedback and evaluating individual employee job performance. As many of us have experienced, avoidance is still the norm for handling...

Office Romance in Small Companies

Workplace Relationships: They’re All Around You It appears that as Valentine’s Day approaches each year, I’m contacted by someone in the media to comment about workplace relationships. This week I am pleased to share that I’ve been quoted in the Wall Street Journal....

HR Metrics

Harassment and Ethics Arlene VernonI created a training session for one of my clients on what leaders should know and do about harassment, bullying and discrimination. My focus for “Sense and Sensibility” training covers the important issues around workplace culture,...