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Compensation Check

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Minimum Wage Changes August 2008 Compensation Check Perhaps this is a good time to review your compensation system, or if you don’t have one, it may be time to create a more formal...

Employee Life Cycle

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Employee Life Cycle September 2008 On-the-job training is how most of us learn how to manage and supervise our employees. To complement this learning strategy, it’s also beneficial to...

50 Quick HR Tips

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day 50 Ways to Treat Your People October 2008 25 More Tips 1.Discipline employees consistently 2.Involve employees when planning changes 3.Pay competitively 4.Don’t allow over-familiarity...

Termination Tips

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Terrific Termination Tips November 2008 Exiting Employee Checklist Exit Interviews are typically for voluntary resignations and not for involuntary terminations. But consider giving...

Unemployment & Employment Agreements

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Frequent Calls For Help: Unemployment and Employment December 2008 HR Mastery Groups and other Services 2009 will be my third year partnering with the Stanton Group to offer HR Mastery...