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Personal Touch Communication

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day “Instant Gratification vs. Personal Touch March 2006 Interesting Research King’s College in London conducted a study in 2005, evaluating the effect of distractions on IQ. One group of...

Contingency Planning

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day The Key Is: What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know April 2006 Bring Arlene To Your Company Are you ready to bring your managers and supervisors to their next level of performance?...

30-minute Interviews

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Hiring New Employees: Beyond The Guessing Game May 2006 Test for the Truth You don’t have to do this hiring thing alone! If you can’t think of good questions to askin the interview,...

Time-Off Culture

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Time to Take Time Off June 2006 Bring Arlene To Your Company Are you ready to bring your managers and supervisors to their next level of performance? Have Arlene conduct ConsulTraining for...

Work-Life Balance

Examining practical HR issues business owners and managers encounter every day Balancing Work and Life… July 2006 The Choice is Yours Try these work-life options, or come up with others that work best for you and your people: job sharing reduced work schedules...