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December 2009

Farewell to 2009 and Happy New Year to All December 2009 HRx Update In case you have been utilizing my services through Gallagher Benefits Services, formerly Stanton Group and Schwarz Williams Companies, my partnership with them as an independent contractor for their...

Successful Job Searching

Open and Shut Case January 2010 Reader Brainstorm I would love your ideas!As many of you know, I offer a wide variety of management and HR programs at conferences and events as well as in-house programs for organizations. What I’m seeking is your suggestions for...

Job Satisfaction

Employee – Employer Re-Engagement February 2010 What the Numbers Tell Us Here are some job satisfaction statistics on our employees, from The Conference Board: Only 46% of employees are satisfied with their jobs. 35.7% are under age 25 47.2% are age 35-44 46.4%...

Total Compensation

Un-Confusing Compensation March 2010 Can You Quantify Your Total Rewards? As HR professionals and managers, if we want to retain and engage our employees, we need to educate them regarding the benefits of working for us. One side of the engagement equation is creating...

Hiring Minors

No KID-ding Around May 2010 MN Voting Law Change On April 1, 2010, Minnesota Statute H.F. 3108 was signed into law addressing a variety of election administration requirements. Acccording to employment attorney Mary Rice of Fafinski, Mark and Johnson, this legislation...